On her 42nd birthday, Wendy Buzzanga discovered a lump on her chest while spending time outside with her family. Thinking it was just a cyst and intending to ignore it, Wendy’s husband encouraged her to get it looked at by her family doctor, Brent Hoke, DO, Central Family & Sports Medicine.
On Nov. 7, 2016, Wendy was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, a cancer known for being extremely aggressive.
Encontrar atención excepcional
From the very beginning, Wendy insisted on receiving treatment at WMMC, where she has received care for the majority of her life. After learning of her diagnosis, Wendy started immediate appointments to determine her treatment options. Her first appointment after her mammogram was with Dr. Switzner at Servicios Quirúrgicos de Warrensburg.
“She cared about me. I felt like I wasn’t just another patient.” Wendy said of Dr. Switzner. “From the very first time I walked through the doors it felt different. It was close to home and I trusted all the doctors that helped me along my journey: Drs. Switzner, Hoke, and Smeltzer.”
Wendy recalls the nurses on staff watching UCM games with her, treating her like their very own mom. Her doctors were very attentive and caring.
“It was never a question of where I would receive care” said Wendy. “I insisted on Western Missouri Medical Center. They were wonderful to me. I felt like they cared so much about me. I was a part of their family. Even today, I will run into the staff who cared for me while I’m out in our community, and they remember me by name and ask how I’m doing.”
Tratamiento más cerca de casa
Wendy missed several life events due to cancer, including her daughters’ games that she had never missed, and even graduation week for her oldest daughter, Macy. She couldn’t imagine how many more life events she would have missed if she had to drive to the city for treatments.
With Triple Negative Breast Cancer, one of the most aggressive forms of breast cancer, Wendy was receiving treatment daily for months. Being able to see her doctors without having to drive to Kansas City allowed her to continue her life as normal as possible by going to her daughters’ games, attending church, and remaining active in her daycare.

Recuperación y en Remisión
En julio de 2017, con la ayuda de la atención avanzada, la tecnología y los especialistas de WMMC, Wendy completó su último tratamiento de radiación. Ahora está en remisión y disfruta de los preciosos momentos de la vida.
Uno de los equipos que comprará la Fundación de WMMC es una máquina de ultrasonido portátil que ayudó a diagnosticar el cáncer de Wendy, lo que permitió a su equipo de atención determinar un plan de tratamiento.
“Ayúdenme a combatir el cáncer de mama haciéndome una prueba de detección y siendo consciente”, sermoneó Wendy a todos los que conocía después del diagnóstico.

Acerca del Centro Médico del Oeste de Missouri
Western Missouri Medical Center (WMMC) es un centro médico del condado de atención aguda totalmente acreditado ubicado en Warrensburg, MO. WMMC se enorgullece de brindar atención de emergencia, obstetricia, cirugía ortopédica y general, atención médica familiar, medicina interna, clínicas ambulatorias, atención ambulatoria, servicios de rehabilitación y más. Los servicios para pacientes hospitalizados incluyen atención médica, quirúrgica, intensiva, obstétrica, ortopédica, pediátrica y de enfermería especializada, así como una amplia gama de servicios ambulatorios terapéuticos y de diagnóstico. Esta institución es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Obtenga más información en WMMC.com.