Media Relations

Media Relations at Western Missouri Medical Center

Media Relations Policy

The Western Missouri Medical Center (WMMC) media relations policy provides standardized protocols for news/media outlets, ensuring access to timely, accurate information from the WMMC healthcare system while ensuring our patients’ rights to privacy are consistent with applicable law. 

All media requests must be coordinated through WMMC’s Office of Communications and Development. Contact the Office of Communications and Development at


Responding to Media Inquiries

The Communications and Development Department is available to assist the news media in answering questions about the WMMC healthcare system, locating a subject matter expert, or obtaining more information regarding newsworthy events.

All media inquiries must be coordinated through WMMC’s Office of Communications and Development. The System Director of Communications and Development has been designated to provide appropriate information for the media and/or set up interviews in a timely manner.

WMMC staff and providers are not authorized to provide official statements on behalf of the WMMC healthcare system without prior approval from the System Director of Communications and Development. WMMC staff and providers will refer all media inquiries, including patient status inquiries, to the System Director of Communications and Development.

WMMC designates an authorized spokesperson to respond to media inquiries outside of regular business hours and/or when the System Director of Communications and Development is unavailable. All media inquiries will be directed to designated personnel to ensure proper release of information.


Patient Status Inquiries

WMMC’s Office of Communication and Development uses standard language acceptable under HIPAA laws and American Hospital Association guidelines to describe patient conditions:

  • Undetermined – Patient is awaiting physician assessment.
  • Good – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.
  • Fair – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.
  • Serious – Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
  • Critical – Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.
  • Treated and Released – Patient was treated and either sent home or to another facility.
  • Confirming patient deaths – We will report or confirm a patient’s death only after signed consent from next of kin.

Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, WMMC does not provide information on a patient’s status other than standard condition reports (see above) to any member of the media unless or until the Office of Communications and Development receives written authorization from the patient, parent or guardian.


Requests for Interviews

Any and all interviews of WMMC staff and providers by media, whether by phone, email or in-person, require advance authorization from the System Director of Communications and Development.

Any and all media interviews that occur on WMMC healthcare system property, including those with private providers, donors, visitors, etc., must be authorized in advance by the System Director of Communications and Development.


Media Visits

Advance notice of on-site interviews is required for WMMC’s Communication and Development staff to notify the patient care areas involved, prepare a suitable space for photo/video coverage and coordinate with patients, families and staff.

To protect the privacy of all other WMMC patients and families, the System Director of Communications and Development or authorized representative must accompany all media representatives, video crews and photographers at all times during visits to any WMMC healthcare system facility or care area.

Upon arrival at any WMMC healthcare system facility, representatives should proceed to the primary reception area to meet with a Communications and Development Department representative. Media access beyond the primary reception of any WMMC healthcare system facility is prohibited without an accompanying member of WMMC’s Communications and Development Department or authorized representative.

Patients and patient family members must receive advanced permission from the System Director of Communications and Development before inviting media for interviews, photos of video coverage at any WMMC healthcare system facility.

Any exceptions to this policy will be clearly communicated to WMMC’s security team and director(s) of the affected departments prior to the media visit by a member of the Communications and Development Department.


Photography, Video and Interview Consent

All patients and visitors must sign WMMC’s multimedia consent form before participating in any interviews, photography or video coverage when on WMMC healthcare system property.

Patients and visitors under the age of 18 must include a signature from their parent or guardian on their multimedia consent form.

Communications and Development Department staff will secure the appropriate consent from patients and families for interviews and multimedia coverage.

Multimedia Consent Form


Official Logo Usage and Logo Standards

All marketing and communication materials featuring the official Western Missouri Medical Center logo and logo mark must be authorized by WMMC’s Communications and Development Department need prior to production. Materials must adhere to WMMC’s official branding and logo standards.

Please contact WMMC’s Communications and Development Department at for logo usage approval, official logo files and/or any questions regarding the use of the WMMC logo.

WMMC Branding and Logo Standards


Official Statements and Communication

The views and opinions expressed by WMMC staff members and/or providers do not necessarily reflect the views of Western Missouri Medical Center or WMMC-affiliated clinics.

To provide clear distinction between individual communication and WMMC’s official communication, WMMC staff and providers are not authorized to provide official statements on behalf of the WMMC healthcare system without prior approval from the System Director of Communications and Development. This includes communication using WMMC stationery, fax machines, telephones or emails in a manner where an individual’s views appear to reflect the views of the WMMC healthcare system.

WMMC does not prohibit individual free speech. WMMC employees, providers, and individuals affiliated with the WMMC healthcare system are free to communicate with media as an individual, a concerned citizen, or a person employed in the healthcare industry. Individuals are free to express their support or opposition to any WMMC policy or position.

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