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Michael Meloy, a business owner and long time resident of Warrensburg, knew he needed care fast when he was in excruciating pain.

This is his story of why Western Missouri Medical Center is his partner for emergency care.


Western Missouri Medical Center cares about our patients, and we recognize that in emergency situations, time matters. That is why we have an Emergency Department Improvement Committee that has made improvements to get you the care you deserve.


Achievements & Awards

Healthgrades Patient Experience Award™, placing WMMC in the top 15% of hospitals in the nation for Patient Experience.

Partnership with leading emergency care provider, Envision Physicians, from the Kansas City area that provides high-quality physicians and care.

Wait times is decreased by 50% and the average patient waits less than 22 minutes to make sure you get care when you need it.

Level III Stroke certified to get the medication and care you need in the ‘golden hour’ of a stroke.

Level III STEMI certified to treat specific types of heart attacks when time matters most.

Level III Trauma certified to quickly assess and treat emergency situations that require resuscitation, surgery and other intensive care.

Learn more about our Emergency Department here.



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