Bringing the Benefits to You

WMMC’s Exclusive Employee Discount Program

As one of the largest employers in the area, Western Missouri Medical Center (WMMC) is dedicated to helping our employees find a healthy work/life balance. WMMC knows that our staff and volunteers work tirelessly to provide the best possible care to our patients. That is why we love to recognize our employees’ hard work by offering perks available exclusively to them by partnering with other community organizations and businesses.

WMMC employees have access to a network of Community Benefit Partners. These benefit partners provide exclusive, year-round discounts to WMMC staff and volunteers. Being a community hospital, WMMC strongly believes in the “support local” mindset. Our employees are loyal customers within the community we serve and greatly benefit from the discounts provided by our Community Benefit Partners.

Through our new program, “Bringing the Benefits to You,” we are able to advertise these exclusive discounts to all staff and volunteers throughout the year. While WMMC has a strict no-solicitation policy, this program allows our Community Benefit Partners to spread information about their business in a new way.

Community Benefit Partners are featured in the following ways:

  • Welcome Packet
  • Recruitment Packet
  • New Employee Orientation
  • Monthly Emails
  • Website
  • And More!

Want to become a Community Benefit Partner?

Want to show your support for our Healthcare Heroes at WMMC, and gain more customers for your business at the same time? Apply to become a part of our “Bringing the Benefits to You” program!

“Bringing the Benefits to You” provides:

  • Exclusive discounts and coupons to WMMC staff and volunteers
  • A list of Community Benefit Partners who recognize and honor our Healthcare Heroes
  • An opportunity for businesses to advertise their products and services to WMMC’s approximate 700 employees and staff through multiple forms of communication
  • In-person opportunities for businesses to present their services to employees at WMMC
  • A unique and mutually-beneficial partnership between community businesses and WMMC

Celebrate National Nurses and Hospital Week

with WMMC

If you are not able to offer a year-round discount, please consider joining us in celebration of National Nurses’ Week and National Hospital Week (typically the first or second week of May) by offering a weekly discount spanning the course of that week. If you would like to join us in this initiative, please let us know by mid-April, 2024, so that we can announce the discounts during our Nurses & Hospital Week celebration. Contact Bailey Eggen, Community Outreach Coordinator, at or (660) 262-7456.

Bringing the Benefits to You Application

  • 1. Personal Information

  • 2. Business/Service Overview

  • *This offer must be something that you do not provide to any other individual or organization.
  • If yes, let us know your preferred method of contact?
  • 3. Signature

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Contact Information

For questions, please contact Bailey Eggen, Community Outreach Coordinator, at

To join us in showing appreciation to our Healthcare Heroes during National Nurses and Hospital Week (typically the first or second week of May), apply by April 19th, 2024. Requests received earlier in the year are more apt to receive consideration.

To apply, simply complete and submit the Bringing the Benefits to You Application. Feel free to send any questions or comments regarding your application via email to